Wednesday, November 9, 2011

No more classes for today....guess I should update

Is there an indent button on this thing? No? Ah well it's not like it will help my writing look any worse. So when I was not swamped with sleep...because sleep is important..I managed to work on my persona. Which is just a fancy bullshit word for "I like to draw myself  as I am a conceded bastard." Hey at least I admit to it...not to mention it actually looks like me. Possibly prettier than me....damn anime bitch. Though a tried a few semi-non anime like features to this. I also looked off an image of myself to make conceded....anyway...the background was just a quick picture of my headboard and then put it through an artistic filler. Ah yeah I'm so fucking talented....-sigh-...fml....I'm still working on my character sheet...I'll finish it soon...if my painting class doesn't still all my time...not to mention I need to memorize this monologue for Monday...oh and I have that horrible performance class Monday as well...let the anxiety would be worth it if I actually had skills...After Monday things will go back to positivity land...

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