Showing posts with label lame. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lame. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Just burned my tongue on a pizza roll....oh and

I'd like to present the poster I made last night for my comic. No vectors here baby! Seriously though, not quite sure what happened yesterday. I pulled this out from no where and it only took me like 3 or more hours (not to mention all the breaks I took due to my short attention span). Of course the character on the cover was what I worked on the most. The rest of the background stuff was just photoshop tools and some brushes I downloaded from the internet (whom I need to give credit too).  So yeah.....I think another reason I got it done so quickly was due to the fact I'm done with everything for my classes this semester and I have no exams.....and I've been drinking NOS like everyday....which is probably unhealthy......and also causing me to make so many grammar errors.....Ah well back to working on my commission. OMNONMNOMNOM