Showing posts with label comic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label comic. Show all posts

Monday, January 2, 2012

You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?

Poster number 3! This was the one that was supposed to be number 2. Unlike the other two I chose to use vectors and funny enough this is actually my least favorite. Normally vectors always look the best rather than when I hand color/outline. Vectors are clean and crisp, not messy. I don't believe it's the vectors that make this image unappealing as it is the proportions. The character does appear to be looking up like I wanted, but there are a few facial and body features that are a tad off. The eyes of course are suppose to be extremely anime-wide (abnormal)...but I think I may have still made them too wide and the pupils too big. The lips need to be a little bit bigger as well as the nose. Also the hair looks like shit. You should also see a bit more of the body. Even if we are looking down on them you should still be able to see more arm and possible some feet. I think I just got lazy on that part.

The creepypasta (Ben drowned) reference just seemed fitting...not to mention I'll I did last night was drink and read creepypasta....I'd like to think that is the best way to bring in the new year. It was also Saitou Hajime's birthday....I'm such a nerd....

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I need sleep

So this is the newest poster for my upcoming comic. This was originally suppose to be the third poster, but the original second poster is giving me some trouble. So here is this one instead. It's the first preview of of the main characters of course. This like the previous poster is non vector. I keep shocking myself with these cool outcomes. Not to mention I finish images a lot quicker. So I am thinking about doing the whole comic that way. Who knows I still need to think on it.I'd go on....but seriously I'm tired as shit...I've been up drawing and watching all the episodes of Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi (fantastic anime by the way). I saw a few episodes when the anime network was still running and thought it was hilarious....little did I know it also has a really interesting plot :D

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Just burned my tongue on a pizza roll....oh and

I'd like to present the poster I made last night for my comic. No vectors here baby! Seriously though, not quite sure what happened yesterday. I pulled this out from no where and it only took me like 3 or more hours (not to mention all the breaks I took due to my short attention span). Of course the character on the cover was what I worked on the most. The rest of the background stuff was just photoshop tools and some brushes I downloaded from the internet (whom I need to give credit too).  So yeah.....I think another reason I got it done so quickly was due to the fact I'm done with everything for my classes this semester and I have no exams.....and I've been drinking NOS like everyday....which is probably unhealthy......and also causing me to make so many grammar errors.....Ah well back to working on my commission. OMNONMNOMNOM