Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I need sleep

So this is the newest poster for my upcoming comic. This was originally suppose to be the third poster, but the original second poster is giving me some trouble. So here is this one instead. It's the first preview of Dorian...one of the main characters of course. This like the previous poster is non vector. I keep shocking myself with these cool outcomes. Not to mention I finish images a lot quicker. So I am thinking about doing the whole comic that way. Who knows I still need to think on it.I'd go on....but seriously I'm tired as shit...I've been up drawing and watching all the episodes of Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi (fantastic anime by the way). I saw a few episodes when the anime network was still running and thought it was hilarious....little did I know it also has a really interesting plot :D

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Just burned my tongue on a pizza roll....oh and

I'd like to present the poster I made last night for my comic. No vectors here baby! Seriously though, not quite sure what happened yesterday. I pulled this out from no where and it only took me like 3 or more hours (not to mention all the breaks I took due to my short attention span). Of course the character on the cover was what I worked on the most. The rest of the background stuff was just photoshop tools and some brushes I downloaded from the internet (whom I need to give credit too).  So yeah.....I think another reason I got it done so quickly was due to the fact I'm done with everything for my classes this semester and I have no exams.....and I've been drinking NOS like everyday....which is probably unhealthy......and also causing me to make so many grammar errors.....Ah well back to working on my commission. OMNONMNOMNOM

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I know I have actual homework I should be doing but...

...this is fantastic. I'm so fucking proud of myself...I know that this moment won't last long, but for now I shall enjoy it. Unlike most of the pictures I make the size was set in inches instead of pixels. Which sounds like it wouldn't make a difference...and it actually doesn't...but just let me explain. So since I have been wanting to create a comic a wanted to know the average size of a page...which is 6x9 I think. Anyway I made an image in the same size on photoshop and half way into my doodling I realized the image was infinitely larger. This making my brush marks some how smoother and not pixelly and shit. Once again this may come off as a total obvious factor and make me appear more of a dumb ass than normal, but you have to understand that even with the brush at size 1 on an image of 1000x1000 pixels....it looks like shit.
   So aside from all that bullshit...I have no real reason why I decided to draw miss Teivel...I just did. Plus she needed a good re-vamp. I'm actually going to do another version of this where the colors will be smoothed out and some new highlights (dodge tool) and shades (burn tool) are added.
  Something I'd also like to mention are all the new brushes I downloaded. I used some of them for the background in this picture. I fucking love them....but it's hard to remember which ones I'm suppose to credit.....ah well I'll do that later when I have the time to break it down...

tootles....I'm off to work on a paper that should have been done forever ago

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

No more classes for today....guess I should update

Is there an indent button on this thing? No? Ah well it's not like it will help my writing look any worse. So when I was not swamped with sleep...because sleep is important..I managed to work on my persona. Which is just a fancy bullshit word for "I like to draw myself  as I am a conceded bastard." Hey at least I admit to it...not to mention it actually looks like me. Possibly prettier than me....damn anime bitch. Though a tried a few semi-non anime like features to this. I also looked off an image of myself to make this....so conceded....anyway...the background was just a quick picture of my headboard and then put it through an artistic filler. Ah yeah I'm so fucking talented....-sigh-...fml....I'm still working on my character sheet...I'll finish it soon...if my painting class doesn't still all my time...not to mention I need to memorize this monologue for Monday...oh and I have that horrible performance class Monday as well...let the anxiety commence....it would be worth it if I actually had skills...After Monday things will go back to positivity land...

Friday, November 4, 2011

New Character

This character is for another series I'd like to work on...she currently has no name.....but I won't lie....totally based her off Rainbow Dash from MLP...I have no shame....anyway the background in the pic is from this site

Main Character: Dorian

So this is Kris's...how you say side kick.....and he is a bitchy vampire...he was Dracula before his life went to shit....in fact he was a pretty cool dude at one time...not anymore...once again newest designs to oldest....

The image above is Dorian actually going all intense vamp...fugly bitch

I begin to hate my art the more I look back at my older works.....

Main Character: Kris

So This for the comic I wanna create...and this character has no relation to me in anyway...even if her name is Kris....none what so ever......I'm a bad liar...oh well judge me all you want 8puts sunglasses on* deal with it... but I'm going from newest designs to old shitty designs

Although this image is more of the anti version/creepy pasta.

So yeah I actually have redesigned her again...so I'll probably post those when I'm finished coloring them....I'll also post the plot....as that is important I guess lol (totally my persona)

A comparison of how my art has developed

So this how much my art has changed in a year...I'm actually very proud. The character in this called Vilnias and she is Teivel's rival...just thought you needed to know that...yeah.....(also both characters are named devil in a different language...I'm so fucking creative...NOT!)

Characters: Teivel

Though technically Teivel is not my first original character she was the first I started to post on Deviantart. I made her originally to just wear random outfits I desgined...but then I decided to make her a fool on character.
So this is an inspiration sheet I found on Deviantart. So all the images of characters on the right are ones who probably had some help with her creation. Teivel is just a character who shows all my anime-esque inspiration. 
This is the first image I did of Teivel. She didn't have a name or personality during this time. Not to mention this was the first time I'd use any type of computer art software/tablet. So that is why it looks so horrible.
This was me experimenting with the ink tool on photoshop, I also tried some different things with her eyes and face. The outfit she is wearing is not of my creation, it's from the manga Kuroshitsuji. Once again FAILURE.

I tried to go back to hand shading as oppose to vectoring and I've learned that I simply suck major balls at it. I like this dress very much, but it needs to be less skanky....once again FAILURE

 This was a pairing/crossover but since this is a post for Teivel I cut the pairing part out. Not because I was afraid I'd be judged or anything...no not at all. The lineart was done by hand....still kind of fail...mostly because of that...
 This was a character sheet I made for Teivel. I failed miserably at it

 I kept trying to do all the shading by hand as oppose to vectoring...but it's different from drawing on paper...somehow....but the eyes are nice in this one.

 I finally accepted vectoring lol. This was done for a contest held by a friend of mine. I got second place...though only three people entered XD. The image had to be based off a song (a country one eugh) and I chose Hurt by Johnny Cash (badass cover). The image came out so emo though...which makes it totes lame...

 This image is actually not done yet and I have no idea it it even will be. I wanted to draw Teivel in a kimono because Japan (Meiji Era....hint hint) is one of the areas she is placed in for a while. I randomly added a pointless background...but I like how she turned out.

booobbbsss....lol anyway this one I tried a lot of things different in style as well as photoshop techniques. Although I used most of it incorrectly I ended up learning a lot from doing this piece. The background was from me practicing some kind of wallpaper tutorial....it has no real purpose

Not Finished works/Crappy shit done for the Lolz

So the first are just practice images I did on photoshop that really never went anywhere.

I have a thing for randomly drawing faces...but these really had no point so they were never finished

The next set of images are quick images I did...fast sketch I guess
 This image was made to promote my radio show called "Octopus Strip Club" .....There isn't a reason for the name...we just thought it was awesome

This was simply made for a tumblr rant I wrote about Mary Sues

so yeah just some junk


Of course some of the first pieces of art I did were fanart related
 Alucard's mommy from Castlevania: SOTN

Belldandy from Ah! My Goddess with Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII (I liked a lot of strange pairings when I was younger....still do)

My version of Dark Sailor Moon
and of course Joker from the Dark Knight
This as old as I can go with out wanting to take the pieces and shoot them in front of their families XD

Monday, October 10, 2011

A wild Kris appeared!

HI! My name is Kris and this is my blog dedicated to my art.....that sounds very conceded and I apologize. I'd like to clarify that I made this blog as n alternative to deviantart. I still use deviantart...but...I just don't trust it as much...if that makes any sense....anyway I also don't want to come off as a show off...cause I'm not...I just need some where to put my art...I'm still just a simple student....

so many "...."

oh yeah I suck at writing....so yeah....sorry again

and sorry for apologizing so much

and for that slight contradiction

this blog sucks